Saturday, July 6, 2013


Yay! Yay! I was 300 grams down on the scale this morning my weight loss standing now at 8.2kg total! It is a great high for me..... the lowest that I have been in weight for years. I'm so encouraged seeing that really sticking to a Low Carb Lifestyle does have results.

Breakfast this morning was a two egg omelette with stir fried vegetables (bit of carrots, eggplant, peppers and baby marrows touch of ground meat) with a sprinkle of feta cheese. Coffee and cream.

Lunch was the Low Carb Chicken soup (which I wish would reach its bottom now :) with a green side salad.

Supper was 4 stuffed green peppers (photo), with cheese and  the same stir fried veg. and ground meat mix (which is leftovers that my family is tired of and me too by now :)

Snacks was biltong/beef jerky about half a cup a real treat. 

I 'm drinking lots of water! Hoping to flush out all that fat :D

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