Saturday, February 22, 2014

ALL ABOUT TODAY: 22 February

COMING DOWN ON THE SCALE! I really need perseverance to get out of this weight loss stall..... I was down on the scale this morning YAY! I can see the light. Not where I want to be yet but hoping to be there on Monday weigh in.

I find weekends so challenging. In the week I go with the school schedule and it keeps me with regular meals. On weekends we just take it easy and sometimes just eat two meals a day or more than usual.

BREAKFAST this morning for me was at ten. I had a coffee with cream earlier this morning. Had half an avocado dressed with lemon and salt. Two fried eggs and a bit of cheddar cheese. Coffee and cream with breakfast.

LUNCH was a bowl of sliced lettuce strips, olive oil and a bit of lemon and salt. I had a sprinkle of the chicken gizzards left over from last night and topped the salad off with this. Was actually good.

FOR THE FIRST TIME: DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!! I made the famous BULLET PROOF COFFEE! I have heard and read so much about it. I love coffee and just could not imagine adding butter and coconut oil to it and it is tasting good! So to pull me through the afternoon I gave it a go. I took a mug of hot coffee with 1T of coconut oil and 1T of butter. I used my hand blender and gave it a good blend.  ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! Really very impressive I could live with it ;)

The worst part in my day when I fall for extra food and even chocolate etc is in the afternoons between lunch and supper. Hoping the BULLET PROOF COFFEE will keep me full until supper. It also helps me to get enough healthy fats into my diet.

Even after eating this way longer than a year now I still struggle to get in enough fat. It is like my brain has a block and I keep thinking that fat is not good for weight loss.... Breaking through this and trying to get more healthy fats into my diet. I know it is healthy and aids me in weight loss.

Had a handful of almonds mixed with cashew nuts late afternoon before supper.

SUPPER was a great barbecue with my dear family at home. I had half a chicken fillet, a piece of spicy sausage and 1 mini hamburger patty. I made roasted vegetables in the oven with pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant and red pepper. I spiced it up, tossed with olive oil and baked in the oven until brown and cooked.

NO DESSERT! I am aiming for my goal!!!!!


  1. Dear Mommy,
    I am so proud of you for not giving up, for not giving up, for persevering and for being the best mom. Know that even though I am not officially part of your blog I support you and encourage you.
    Love you lots,

  2. Oh my sweetheart what a lovely surprise Mommy loves you so much. x x x Thank you for all your encouragement.
