Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Ahw the scale is not SMILING! Normally I fall down a bit, then stand still and then fall down again. I should just be patient and KEEP GOING!

I have been reading about a FAT FAST thinking of doing it for the next 3 days and see if it will give me a good kick to get moving again. I have been reading about what it consist about and how I can put together a menu with what I have here.

BREAKFAST this morning was 2 fried eggs in butter with grated cheese. Coffee and cream.

LUNCH was with dear friends that came to visit us. I cooked a chicken vegetable dish in the oven and I had some chicken, spicy sausage, onion and zucchini circles. OFF COURSE the cake was awesome BUT I HAD NONE! I had coffee and cream instead.

SUPPER - I didnt feel like eating. That does not happen often! I had a cup of chopped cucumber, a few pieces of tomato and 2T of feta cheese crumbled in. Was enough.

So tomorrow morning  I start the FAT FAST for the next 3 days. I does not sound easy but I want to try it.......... WAVE ME GOOD BYE! :)

In the last one and a half years that I have been doing Low CArb I have not done a fat fast yet. My weight loss has slowed down the last few months and I think this might just kick me into the lower seventies.

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