Saturday, August 9, 2014


LIFE IS GOOD! Our family had a wonderful holiday at the beach. I was so ready for the break and I had a lovely time of rest and reading. We also had friends from South Africa unexpected join us for a week - they off course brought all these amazing treats from South Africa. Woolworth jelly tots, chocolate eggs etc. I know these were not at all LOW CARB ;)

I took my weighing scale with to make sure I stay on track. It was like my accountability partner. I kept an eye on my weight every morning and tried hard to stay within boundaries. The summer fruit here is just amazing peaches, grapes, plums etc. I allowed myself a bit of fruit as a treat. My biggest problem was the bowls of popcorn every night with the kids watching movies....... oh well it was a treat.

What made this summer holiday different from other previous years is that I felt in control and confident with the food I ate and my weight. I had such a peace where I normally would feel driven and stressed on what I can eat and what not.  I would be grumbling and drooling over my family's desserts and food. Not this time, I had my treats and was content.

I did picked up a bit through the holiday, I knew this would happen but I decided to take it on and enjoy it....knowing life will go back to normal soon..... will weigh in on Monday and MOVE IT!

I had lots of time to think about LOW CARBING and set goals for the next few months. No goals and no accountability is not a good thing for me. I would like to weigh back in the 72 kilograms by midd October when our family will be attending a conference. An event like that is always a good motivation for me to want to look my best ;)

Starting tomorrow again logging my food at "fat secret". I want to keep my fats high, carbs low and protein in the medium range. Seeing if I can get my calories around a thousand a day. When I do this I know I will loose.

Life is all back to normal and tomorrow is another LOW CARB JOURNEY DAY!


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