Saturday, August 30, 2014


OEOEOEOEOE BREAKFAST this morning. I used 2T of flaxseed flour, 1 egg, 1T olive oil and 1/2t baking powder. Mixed it well an fried it in butter to make pan cakes and served fried eggs and cheese on top. Off course I had to have a bit of mayonnaise with this and lots of freshly grind black pepper. Coffee and cream on the side. A TRUE SATURDAY MORNING!  (Pardon my daughter's wild hair curl swinging into the photo too - she is her Mama's photographer! ;)

I had another mug of coffee with cream before we left on an outing for the day. 

LUNCH was out and I had a chicken salad with mayonnaise. It was such a blessing.

Then off course I treated myself to a beautiful cream cuppachino. Was just what I needed with the three kids on the run. ;) 

We came home late afternoon exhausted...... I could barely walk up the hill home from the bus stop.....

SUPPER was left over ground chicken wrapped in lettuce leafs mixed with mayonnaise for me. Hmmmm I wouldn't say what my family had to eat.... AND MY LIPS ARE SEALED ABOUT THE APPLE PIE IN THE OVEN....   YES!!!!!!!!! No apple pie for me I promise. 

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