Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Would have been a nice first of April joke to say: "I have lost 5kg over night! :D" NO NOT! I'm dreaming about it though!

BREAKFAST was 2 fried eggs with half an avocado. 2 Mugs of coffee and cream.

Midd morning snack was 5 black olives with 1t of feta cheese.

LUNCH was about 3 cups of lettuce with olive oil, blue cheese and cold meat strips.

Was at a meeting this afternoon and fell for a t of chocolate covered COFFEE BEANS!  Was weak! Had a cup of coffee at the meeting too.

SUPPER was fried strips of spicy sausage with eggplant, onion, garlic, tomato, red peppers. One pot dish. With cucumber slices and mayonnaise.

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