Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The scale is not happy...... all my great treats from America is slowly settling in. I was up on the scale this morning. Could be many things but I'm holding on and out.

BREAKFAST was 2 eggs fried in butter, coffee and cream.

Midd morning had 1 cheddar stick and a bit of beef jerky, coffee and cream.

LUNCH was eggplant slices grilled, topped with ketchup, feta cheese, gherkin slices and salami circles. Was so good.

I was out this afternoon shopping for some winter clothes with my teenage daughter. What a nightmare and that on a very tight budget.

Came home just in time to get a quick supper going.

SUPPER for me was dried pork rinds fried in a bit of butter and topped with ranch dressing and lettuce.

Did not walk the kids or dog tonight. OUr family are going on a week holiday with friends and I am packing and getting things ready in the midst of school etc.

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