A good day on the scale: 76.5 I think it is a good start to the week. The scale was smiling.
BREAKFAST 2 eggs fried in butter, a sprinkle of cheese and coffee with cream.
Midd morning I had another coffee with a t of cream.
LUNCH: I read on an article about weight loss and low carbing last night that it is better to eat the majority of the protein for the day for lunch and breakfast. So today lunch was a chicken fillet chopped up to accompany my 3 cups of lettuce, olives and 3 slices of tomato. Two T of olive oil and a tiny bit of mayonnaise.
Had coffee with a t of cream for my afternoon treat.
OH AND THEN ANOTHER COFFEE REAL LATE AFTERNOON!~ This was just too much coffee for the day....... Not a good thing in weight loss....
SUPPER was hamburgers for my kids and I had 2 patties with lettuce and tomato with a bit of mayo. Was so good!
-Stick to the basic food groups.
-Make sure you know the amount of carbs in everything you eat. I know it is a drag but it will serve you well.
-Log your daily food at a place like "fat secret" so you know what amount of carbs you are eating.
-Do not be afraid of eating butter, coconut oil, olive oil and the fat on the meat.
-When you fall get up. It is not on whether you fall or not it is on getting up again.
-Drink at least 1 1/2 liters of water a day.
-Try to exercise. I walk the dog and kids at least 4 times a week for 4km. It does make a difference on the scale.
-PERSEVERE! Even if there is nothing on the scale it will kick in eventually.
-Be careful with dairy it could stall your weight loss. I eat very little of it but enjoy cream in my coffee.
-Be aware of "carb creeps" a little bit of sugar here a bite there - IT ADDS UP!
-One wrong meal like a piece of cheesecake could set me back for 2 weeks with the needle on the scale climbing. IT IS NOT WORTH IT!
-Get "buddies" or a group doing low carb. It is encouraging and it keeps a person going.
-Take a picture of yourself when you start. My pictures keeps me going when I feel like giving up. I have come a long way.
-I find when I snack all day it halts my weight loss. Most low carb specialists suggest only eating 3 solid meals a day or even 2 meals a day. I go with 3 meals and coffee in between.
-You can low carb in a family not low carbing. It costs planning and tweaking meals. I have a very picky carb eating sugar loving family and a vegetarian friend staying with us in my home.
-Low carbing does not have to cost an arm or leg. You do not need fancy this and that. I have lost 17 kg eating just basic food as we live in Turkey and low carb this and that does not exist. Our family are on a very tight budget and I make it work on tinned tuna, eggs, bits of cheese, chicken etc.
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