Friday, September 5, 2014


It was a good LOW CARB DAY! I was back on the scale this morning at 76kg..... had too much of a good day yesterday eating low carb...... Yes, too much of a good thing is not good either ;)

BREAKFAST was 2 eggs fried in olive oil. Coffee and cream.

I had to go out midd morning and took my travel mug along with coffee and a t of sugar free coffee creamer.

LUNCH - I got back just before lunch. I wasnt hungry at all out. I realize being home and working here keeps me nibbling in the kitchen. I bought a slice of Dutch smoked cheese and had that with my 3 cups of chopped lettuce and 2T of olive oil. Perfect!

Had coffee and cream for dessert.

Was a busy afternoon and I kept myself out of CARB TROUBLE.

SUPPER was late afternoon as the girls went to a sleepover and my son wanted a date night with Mama Bear. He wanted stuffed pasta (manti) for supper and I ate left over red cabbage salad from last night and fried a few circles of spicy sausage to go with my salad. Delicious and filling. He has not asked for popcorn yet...... my weakness!

Have a good evening. Lets get through this weekend staying the track eating LOW CARB!

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