Sunday, June 23, 2013


These are two pictures of me taken about six weeks apart. I could see a little change but not too much :)

2013 I mark as the year it all started. I'm not really someone that makes new year resolutions. Actually my journey started at Christmas 2012 not that it was the Christmas dinner and I ate too much and that pushed me to feel fat and guilty. I think it was that I had the time during the more quiet holiday days to think about my life and the new year ahead.

I realized how much of my time and energy get absorbed by thoughts on my weight and how fat I feel. With good intentions I believe my dear family sometimes make comments on fat people and weight. I might smile then but in my heart it does make a sting. I decided on Christmas 2012 this is it I need to loose weight!

I decided to do Calorie counting. I did loose a bit of weight but I was constantly hungry and so grumpy. A few weeks of this I decided to do the Atkins Diet. I bought the new book on my kindle read it through and got going.

Since then I have lost ONLY SIX KILOGRAM! Yes I know six kilogram is six kilogram but it has been a very slow process for me.

Friends comment on that they can see that I have lost weight. It stays a hard journey but never easy. I have joined a few blogs, facebook pages and websites that encourages me to keep going. I will be sharing these with you as the blog gets into progress.

I love cooking and eating! I will also be sharing some recipes and what I eat to give you an idea of how my  Low Carb eating looks like.  Well BON VOYAGE!!!!!!!!

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