I have been trying to Low Carb for six months now. The hardest thing for me was cutting out sugar. I was amazed when I found out that all carbs in some form or another are made up of sugar or get changed in our body into sugar. From bread to chocolate to carrots!
Chocolate is a hard one for me. I can easily eat a whole slab of dark chocolate in one sitting...... easy! I had to cut back and limit myself to 2 cubes that comes to 4 carbs every second day or ones a week.
Often I'm tempted to go for diet drinks, diet bars, shakes or artificial sugar. I notice that when I have these products my cravings for sugar just crabs me by the throat and demands more and more. Its like a shark smelling blood and all goes haywire!
I had to learn to cut these out all together and just eat plain and normal. Go for the basic food groups and make the best of them. Often I found that lots of sugar and carbs creep in when I try to twig some things so I can eat it too.
Off course when I make pizza for supper I try to come up with an alternative so I can also enjoy the pizza toppings on some base that is low carb, or when my family have sandwiches I will make the "bread in a mug" so I have something to load my toppings on.
When the sugar cravings grab me I:
-eat 2 cubes of dark chocolate or one of these others
-I make myself a strong espresso with a shot of cream
-I eat a handful of macadamia nuts or almonds
-I eat a few olives
-I eat a tablespoon of coconut oil from the fridge
-cut myself a sliver of cheese and heat it in the microwave
-have a few frozen grapes
Cutting out the carbs stay hard for me. As the time went on I must say it is becoming more easy. I do crave less and have much more energy.
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